Sunday, August 16, 2009

tate music group...exciting new happenings

One thing you have to get used to at Tate Music Group is change...the kind of change that improves our services to our artists and gives us another leg up on all the other companies out there who are trying to figure out what we have that they don't. There is a lot to that question...and I don't have the time to dive in there tonight.

Tate Publishing and Enterprises, which obviously includes Tate Music Group, will be launching a new division in the coming months - a music publishing company. This is so exciting! We will be offering to our artists the opportunity to not only record, perform, and promote their original music...we will soon be giving them a channel to showcase their writing and talents so that others can hear it and pay them to use it.

It will also be a place where outside artists can showcase their own music. Artists and musicians from all over will be able to see if there is that one song they have been looking for. TMG artists can take advantage of this, too. You never know when someone out there has written exactly what you wanted to...but couldn't find the right words. It is going to be an incredible service...and more importantly, an incredible tool for Tate Music Group artists and their songs.

There are a lot of ins and outs that will be finalized between now and then but I wanted to just give the web-world a heads up. Like I said before, change happens quickly at Tate. If you aren't holding'll be left behind. And in the music industry, no artist can afford that.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

tate music and media spots

I wanted to share some information with you regarding some cool happenings with our artist of the year, Jeff Chandler. Yesterday, Jeff kicked off his radio tour with a stop in the great city of Tulsa, OK. He was featured on KXOJ - did an interview and his song 'Because of You.'

This was exciting for a few reasons. Obviously, it is cool to hear Jeff on the radio and know just how much hard work was put into making that happen. It is also cool, however, because it is great to hear him share his heart and passion for the music he writes and performs. This is hands-down one of the best things about working at Tate Music Group. Music, for so many of our artists, is the expression of God's love, grace, and hope through them. It is ministry...even before it is entertainment. That is exciting to be a part of...and I am so glad that Jeff is able to share his music (and message) with the world.

You can hear the interview here.