Friday, March 25, 2011

tate music group...'friday'

One of my Tate Music Group colleagues introduced me to the music video and song called 'Friday' by Rebecca Black. She also shared with me this article from Billboard that I found very interesting for artists and musicians. Whether you like the song/video or not...this article and story prove to me, once again, that there are no easy ways to make it in this industry.

My advice - write really good songs, record those songs, perform those songs (anywhere and everywhere you can), and tell as many people as possible about those you can ultimately sell those songs! But that's just my advice...take it or leave it.

But go ahead and read this:

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

tate music group...South By Southwest

We had an incredible Tate Music Group & Variance Showcase at South By Southwest last week. Our artists did did our staff and promotion team. It was a really great event and over 800 people at last count. In fact, the OK Gazette (a very popular local entertainment paper) was there to experience the Buffalo Lounge and Tate Music Group showcase...and wrote up a great article. Check it out here.

We've also posted some pictures of the event at our TMG Radio Girl Blog. I can't wait until next year!