Tuesday, March 10, 2009

tate music group...t minus 3 days

It is hard to believe that the Tate Music Group Artist of the Year Contest is only 3 days away. A ton of work has been put into the creation and scripting of the event...from live dancing and musical numbers to a featured cartoon, illustrated by our very own creative geniuses in the design department. I am always amazed at the talent that is pooled her at Tate Music Group and Tate Publishing.

The top finalists arrive tomorrow. For the next 2 1/2 days, we will have them finalizing video edits, practicing their performances, and treated to many fun and exciting events...including one where we all have to dress up real nice. It is going to be a lot of fun and very exciting.

Overall, though, I am just ready to get to Friday night. I know that the things happening before are important and necessary for the event itself but I just want to see our artists get up there and perform. I know they are all going to blow us away!

I have no idea who I think will win. I couldn't even venture a guess with any amount of certainty. One thing I am certain of, though, is that the Tate Music Group Artist of the Year Contest is going to be the best thing going Friday night...

Sorry Big XII basketball tournament, you'll have to take a backseat...

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